Top 10+ Linux Commands You MUST Know 


Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system, favored by developers, system administrators, and tech enthusiasts worldwide. One of the key reasons for its popularity is the command line interface (CLI), which allows users to interact with the system at a deeper level than a graphical user interface (GUI). Whether you’re a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, here are the top 10+ Linux commands you must know. 

`ls` - List Directory Contents 

1. `ls` – List Directory Contents 

The `ls` command is one of the most basic and frequently used commands in Linux. It lists the contents of a directory, showing you the files and subdirectories within it. 




You can add options like `-l` for a detailed list or `-a` to include hidden files. 


ls -la 


2. `cd` – Change Directory 

Navigating through directories is essential when working in the Linux terminal. The `cd` (change directory) command allows you to move between directories. 


cd /path/to/directory 


To move up one level in the directory hierarchy, use: 


cd .. 


3. `pwd` – Print Working Directory 

The `pwd` command displays the full path of the current working directory. This is useful when you need to know exactly where you are within the file system. 




4. `cp` – Copy Files and Directories 

The `cp` command is used to copy files and directories from one location to another. 


cp source_file destination_directory 


To copy directories, use the `-r` (recursive) option: 


cp -r source_directory destination_directory 


5. `mv` – Move or Rename Files and Directories 

The `mv` command is versatile, allowing you to move files or directories to a new location, or rename them. 


mv old_name new_name 



mv file.txt /new/location/ 


6. `rm` – Remove Files and Directories 

To delete files and directories, use the `rm` command. Be cautious with this command, especially when using options like `-r` for recursive deletion. 


rm file.txt 


To delete a directory and its contents, use: 


rm -r directory_name 


7. `touch` – Create a New Empty File 

The `touch` command is used to create a new, empty file, or to update the timestamp of an existing file. 


touch newfile.txt 


8. `mkdir` – Create a New Directory 

To create a new directory, use the `mkdir` command. 


mkdir new_directory 


To create a nested directory structure, use the `-p` option: 


mkdir -p parent_directory/child_directory 


`ls` - List Directory Contents 

9. `grep` – Search Text Within Files 

The `grep` command searches for patterns within files. It’s extremely powerful for finding specific text or data within a large number of files. 


grep ‘search_term’ filename.txt 


For a recursive search through directories: 


grep -r ‘search_term’ /path/to/directory 


10. `cat` – Concatenate and Display Files 

The `cat` command is used to display the contents of a file. It can also be used to concatenate multiple files and print their combined output. 


cat filename.txt 


To combine and display two files: 


cat file1.txt file2.txt 


11. `echo` – Display a Line of Text 

The `echo` command is used to display a line of text or a variable’s value in the terminal. It’s often used in scripts to print output. 


echo “Hello, World!” 


You can also use it to write text into a file: 


echo “This is a test” > testfile.txt 


12. `find` – Search for Files and Directories 

The `find` command is extremely powerful for locating files and directories based on various criteria, such as name, type, or modified date. 


find /path/to/search -name “filename.txt” 


To search for files modified in the last 7 days: 


find /path/to/search -mtime -7 


13. `chmod` – Change File Permissions 

File permissions in Linux determine who can read, write, or execute a file. The `chmod` command is used to modify these permissions. 


chmod 755 


This example gives the owner full permissions and read-execute permissions to others. 

14. `chown` – Change File Ownership 

To change the ownership of files or directories, use the `chown` command. 


chown new_owner:new_group filename.txt 


15. `sudo` – Execute Commands with Superuser Privileges 

The `sudo` command allows you to execute a command with superuser (root) privileges. It’s essential for performing tasks that require administrative access. 


sudo apt-get update 


16. `apt-get` – Package Manager for Debian-based Systems 

If you’re using a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu, the `apt-get` command is used to manage packages (install, update, remove software). 


sudo apt-get install package_name 


Mastering these Linux commands will significantly improve your efficiency and control over the system. They form the foundation of daily operations on Linux and will empower you to tackle more advanced tasks. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, having a good grasp of these commands will make your journey with Linux much more rewarding.